

Human focused
Technology experts


Human focused
Technology experts

partners seidor

To be able to give the best, we work with the best technology

Our partners are our travel companions. We grow with them, they inspire us, and we inspire them in our search for the best answers to our clients' needs, today and tomorrow.

Microsoft as partner
Blackboard as partner
Sophos as partner
Siemens as partner
Cisco as partner
Microsoft as partner
Blackboard as partner
Sophos as partner
Siemens as partner
Cisco as partner
Microsoft as partner
Blackboard as partner
Sophos as partner
Siemens as partner
Cisco as partner
Fortinet as partner
Qlik as partner
Salesforce as partner
SAP as partner
Adobe as partner
Fortinet as partner
Qlik as partner
Salesforce as partner
SAP as partner
Adobe as partner
Fortinet as partner
Qlik as partner
Salesforce as partner
SAP as partner
Adobe as partner
IBM as partner
Veeam as partner
Citrix as partner
IBM as partner
Veeam as partner
Citrix as partner
IBM as partner
Veeam as partner
Citrix as partner


Hello, World

We greet the world with a "Hello" in more than 30 languages, and we do so with responsibility and commitment to social development.